I'm actually crying and shaking I can't do this I can't I can't
I'm so tired, I can't keep going, I'm sorry I don't want to keep bothering you with this, I'm so tired

You aren't bothering me, and things are different now that you have the diagnosis

I'm going to give up I can't keep doing this I can't keep going
I'm so tired it never stops I'm tired
I can't keep doing this I'm too tired I cant
I just want to be unconscious because I can't be happy I'm tired of feeling like this IM TIRED I CANT
I can't I can't keep doing this o can't keep pretending to talk to people and putting a face on I can't pretend I'm enjoying it. it,c,s too tiring I'm too tired
I can't be a loving girlfriend I'm sorry

Well you already are one
For now you just need to wait and distract yourself until you feel well enough

I don't know how to keep going I need to keep going but I can't, I don't have a way out besides killing myself I can't keep doing this I can't live like this, I'm too tired
this isn't life

I know it's not, and I don't want you to keep living this way
But the answer is to change the way you live, not to give up on life altogether
And that's something that you can still do

I don't know why I didn't kill myself years ago to spare peopleof this
I should have done
I don't want this brain anymore

Well it's the brain that I love
But I understand that it's hard for you to live with it

this is a problem that is bigger than what either of us can fix
this is lifetime of feeling miserable and in pain without know hing why
and even now that I know why there's nothing I can do about bti

There are things we can do, even if we alone can't completely fix it

I want be fixed, I can't live like this. I can't make people be ok with me and I'm so tired and I want to just be in bed until the pain goes away but I can't afford that I'm tired imbtired
I don't want to think anymore I'm too tired
I love you

I love you too
We're going to work on this together. It's a future I want you to be there to see

← past | present | future →