I finished the autism book
I don't think I've had a theory of life that makes this much sense
Like, multiple times per chapter I hit a sentence that sent me into a tailspin
and subsequently multiple examples, like I do that! or I did that as a kid! or I wonder the same thing
I'm so excited(?) I can't breathe
Also like immediately I don't feel suicidal anymore
well, I know not to trust that
But it's so amazing that things make sense, and that there are people willing to understand and help
My heart's going too fast I want to explode
What do I do
You aren't as excited as I hoped you'd be
I feel like everything might be okay after all

Well it's not like this is news to me
But I am glad that you believe it now

I'm not damaged goods and I don't need to kill myself
How do I stop my head from spinning

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